Becoming Heroic
Becoming heroic is a theme that has occupied my mind for the past year. With everything happening in the world, it seems easy to fall into despair and resign ourselves to our demise.
Yet, it is in my silent hours that I find hope. I see a future led by men and women who are not victims of their fears and traumas. That do not loose hope or their sovereignty, no matter who they are facing. This is the future I choose to invest in.
Heroic figures have always inspired me. When I was a child, feeling weak and like I didn't belong, their stories kept me going. They moved me into a world where I could also aspire to be a hero.
Time has passed since then and I feel closer to these figures that inspired me. Not so much because I did something amazing, or saved someone's life. Rather because I saved myself from a doomed future.
To me, becoming heroic is an internal act first. The heroes I admire are the ones that face their own demons and don't get lost fighting imaginary dragons in the outer world. They understand that these are all reflections that exist within themselves.
The true darkness we are most afraid of, is our own darkness. It's the one we cannot escape. And one we have to come to peace with at some point.
Yet, most people prefer to fight the outside demons, vilifying everything they represent, without realizing that they are also like them.
The goal of human life is the integration of darkness and light within ourselves. This momentous task is the feat of silent heroes, who are not afraid to venture down the abyss of their soul and conquer their deepest fears.
Rare are the ones that choose to live such a life. It is scary, painful, and at times you find yourself all alone. Yet, the reward is in the act itself and the intrinsic joy you reap. It is within themselves that these heroes find their redemption.
Of course, we also need heroes on the battlefield, fighting for what is just. However, if you have not vanquished and integrated your own demons, you won't be able to do so on the outside either.
This is why activism usually falls short of its desired results. The activists have not fought their inner battles. It takes a loving heart and a lot of courage to go down this path, but remember you are not alone.
There are millions in the seen and the unseen, striving to embody their heroic self and be exemplars of moral integrity. They are not likely to be seen by everyone, for they are often humble and silent.
Silent heroes are everywhere. In your coffee shop, at your school, in your families... They do their inner work, and thus, they are the true heroes of our time.
Between stimulus and response lies a gap. Therein is your choice to be driven by your fears, or to take responsibility for your emotions. You might never get any applause or recognition for your acts. However, you will always know you did what was right.
The true power of heroes resides within their hearts and souls. These can never be taken away from them. These exemplars change the world through their embodiment of virtue, love, and compassion.
You may not be on the world stage fighting battles for justice, peace, or freedom. But that is not the higher game.
The higher game, is the battle within yourself. The darkness you transform into light. The traumas you heal. The fears you conquer. The love you embody.
Remember the game you are playing silent hero.
We will remember you even if no one does.
True heroism always starts within.
Will you answer the call?